- Volume 1
- Volume 2
Volume 3
- Introduction
- Methodology
- Social and demographic profile of witnesses
- Circumstances of admission
- Family contact
- Everyday life experiences (male witnesses)
- Record of abuse (male witnesses)
- Everyday life experiences (female witnesses)
- Record of abuse (female witnesses)
- Positive memories and experiences
- Current circumstances
- Introduction to Part 2
- Special needs schools and residential services
- Children’s Homes
- Foster care
- Hospitals
- Primary and second-level schools
- Residential Laundries, Novitiates, Hostels and other settings
- Concluding comments
- Volume 4
Chapter 5 — Investigation Committee Report - preliminary issues
Show Contents
Some names have not been anonymised. Officials of the Department of Education are generally described by the names they used in correspondence or reports.
- In Re Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse [2002] 3 IR 459.
- Mary Raftery and Eoin O’Sullivan, Suffer the Little Children (New Island, 1999).