Explore the Ryan Report

Chapter 3 — Social and demographic profile of witnesses

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Place of birth


A small number of witnesses were of Irish Traveller or mixed-race backgrounds and to maintain anonymity no further information can be provided.

Current country of residence


As previously stated and show in the following table, many witnesses who gave evidence to the Committee were residing outside Ireland at the time of their hearing:
Country of residence Males % Females % Total witnesses %
Ireland 279 68 182 48 461 58
UK 118 29 172 46 290 37
USA/Canada 8 2 13 3 21 3
Australia/New Zealand 5 1 7 2 12 2
Mainland Europe 3 1 4 1 7 1
Total 413 (100)* 378 100 791 (100)*


As indicated, there was a significant difference between the numbers of male and female witnesses living in Ireland and in the UK. Sixty eight percent (68%) of male witnesses were living in Ireland at the time of their hearing compared with 48% of female witnesses. Most of the witnesses living in the UK reported being there since they were discharged from the Schools or shortly thereafter. Many commented on the considerable help and assistance they received, both at a personal and professional level, from health and welfare services in the UK.

Age at time of hearing


At the time of their hearings 656 of the 791 witnesses (83%) were over 49 years of age, with 57 of those witnesses aged over 70 years. See Table 10 for more complete details:
Age range Males % Females % Total witnesses %
30 – 39 years 12 3 6 2 18 2
40 – 49 years 54 13 63 17 117 15
50 – 59 years 186 45 193 51 379 48
60 – 69 years 119 29 101 27 220 28
70 + years 42 10 15 4 57 7
Total 413 100 378 (100)* 791 100


As the table demonstrates, 76% of the total number of witnesses who gave evidence in relation to Schools were aged between 50 and 70 years at the time of the hearing. There were some differences between the ages of the male and female witnesses, with 74% of male witnesses aged between 50 and 70 compared with 78% of female witnesses. In addition, 6% more male witnesses were aged over 70 years.


Chapter 4 provides information on the reported circumstances that led to these witnesses being placed in out-of-home care as children.

  1. See chapters 12-18.
  2. Of note is the fact that witness reports from ‘Other Institutions’ referred to discharges up to the year 2000.
  3. This percentage is based on a total of 791 witnesses who reported abuse in Industrial and Reformatory Schools.
  4. The categorisation is based on Census 2002, Volume 6 Occupations, Appendix 2, Definitions – Labour Force. In two-parent households the father’s occupation was recorded and in other instances the occupational status of the sole parent was recorded, insofar as it was known.